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Keep Your Pet Safe at Home by Avoiding these Common Dangers

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As we remain quarantined in our homes for the foreseeable future, now is the ideal time to make sure our pets stay safe at home, too. Here are simple ways to poison-proof and pet-proof your home to help your four-legged family member avoid everyday household poisons and dangers.

Common Pet Poisons

Top poisons to dogs:

  1. Chocolate
  2. Mouse and rat poisons (rodenticides)
  3. Anti-inflammatory medications
  4. Xylitol (sugar-free gum and other foods)
  5. Grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic

Top poisons to cats:

  1. Lilies (Lilium species)
  2. Spot-on flea/tick medication for dogs
  3. Household cleaners
  4. Antidepressant medications
  5. Essential oils

If your pet gets into a toxic or poisonous substance, come immediately to our Emergency Room at 1325 Morris Ave. in Union, New Jersey.

Once you and your pet arrive at our ER, we usually contact ASPCA Poison Control. This extra precaution provides pet parents with a case number to reference – and gives our veterinarians the opportunity to speak directly to board-certified toxicologists 24/7 that can provide our team with specialized treatment recommendations.

*Please note that contacting ASPCA does incur a fee – but if your pet is microchipped by Home Again, the brand of microchips use at WVG, the fee is waived.

Pet parents are also able to contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center directly at (844) 937-4424.

Other Common Household Dangers Include:

  1. Batteries
  2. Wires and plugs
  3. Children’s toys
  4. Crafting and sewing items
  5. Buttons and shoestrings

A little bit of preparation goes a long way when it comes to pet safety. If you are like many pet parents and have more time at home, we encourage you to pet-proof your home, garage, and yard. Your fur baby will thank you.

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